A9 Motorway Hotels on rest & service areas
The 2 rest areas of the A9 motorway with a hotel
The A9 motorway is one of the motorways that have rest areas with a hotel. It’s practical: you fill up on arrival, settle into your room, have dinner at the neighbouring restaurant, all this without even leaving the motorway.
Important: your exit from the A9 must be less than 24 hours after your entry. Otherwise, the maximum rate will apply at the toll booth.
In which direction is the hotel at the rest area accessible?
On the A9 motorway, the two hotels located on the rest areas are accessible by car from both directions. The rest areas have car tunnels that allow you to park near the hotel.
Please note that if you have used the tunnel, you will have to remember to drive through it again the next morning, otherwise you will be driving in the wrong direction and be penalised at the toll booth.
Book a hotel at the A9 rest area or near an exit?
This is mainly a matter of personal preference.
Sleeping at a motorway rest area hotel is easy, convenient and quick, as long as the area is in the right place on your journey.
Those looking for a little more quality, a quieter environment or a more romantic evening will prefer to exit the motorway.
The 2 hotels of A9 motorway rest & service areas